How to deal with the heat?

5 Jul 2022
How to deal with the heat?

In the summer period of life, it is very difficult to cope with the high temperature of the outside air. The sun literally melts everything around it. It is especially difficult to bear the heat in cities, when the hot asphalt begins to evaporate this heat after sunset. As a result, at night it is impossible to rest from excessive congestion. Sleep becomes impossible, awakenings in the middle of the night are normal, and when you wake up, the sun is scorching again.

How to deal with the heat? We will tell in this article.

Fortunate are those who work in an office where there is air conditioning. They go to work with air conditioning in the car, they go to work at home with air conditioning. Well, what if it's not there?


1) In summer, it is recommended to double the level of water that is drunk during the day. In summer we sweat more and it is simply necessary to drink water, otherwise the body will not be able to cool down.

Bottled water should be with you everywhere, from the apartment to the street.

2) Give up coffee and alcohol. These drinks contain caffeine, which further dehydrates the body.

3) Eat mainly fruits and vegetables. You can include cold soups in your diet.

4) If you play sports, it is better to do it in the evening or very early in the morning, before the sun has time to warm the air temperature.

5) Try not to go outside from 12 noon to 5 in the afternoon. At this time, the sun is very active.

6) In summer you have to pay special attention to clothing. It should be cotton or linen.

7) Buy a fan, it can be branded or Chinese, I also recommend fans that work with portable batteries, (like a handle but with foam rubber or plastic propellers that folds) by the way there are some that include a space of FLUS-FLUS type water that sprays you with mini drops.

We recommend staying home more often during the peak of the sun. And also, if you have a hot climate, then you can't get by without an air conditioner anyway. Congestion will not allow you to get enough sleep and start a new day in a good mood.

Well guys, this is it, I hope you like this little tip on how to save yourself from the heat,

Source: HERE slightly modified by Pastor Housing Agent Oleh Haramita


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